Is Barry Soetoro a.k.a Barack Obama Jewish?
I was surfing the net and quickly notices the name "Barry Soetoro" being the most searched on google. It got me curious to know who this guy really is.
With just a few really quick search, I've found out that Barry Soetoro is also known as Barack Obama.
So, now everybody knows the real name of Barrack Obama is Barry Soetoro.
While looking at the trends, I saw majority of websites and blogs carrying the same title "Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama’s Political Dynasty Crashes And Burns" and if you want to read the article, here's the link:
However, there's one blog which wrote "Is THIS Why Barry Soetoro Follows His Zionist Jewish Masters' Commands?" captured my attention.
Here's the link to the blog:
Sometimes I wonder, what is it like to be in Obama or Barry Soetoro shoe?

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