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Ewan Chia Army of Affiliates WebProsperity

You REALLY Got To See This!!! Launching Jan. 6th, 2009‏

We are in PRE LAUNCH and numbers are out of control!

I am allowing myself to paste here the message I received about this launch from Ewan Chia.
(in case you don’t know him, he’s one of the biggest marketers with strong army of affiliates)
I just replaced his link with mine, but you can be sure that it is on top, for I signed seconds after he sent this message.

Explode your income in 2009 (read now)‏

This is a very important email and it can
dramatically increase your income in 2009
so I suggest you read everything here...

Before we get into that, if you haven't
got your "No Cost Software" do so
now before it's gone forever:


Done that?

Good, lets continue.

Now here's what this email is all about
and why you'll probably *thank me* for
letting you know about it...

Want to explode your passive income in 2009?

Read on and act NOW...

I've secured the top position in a brand
new opportunity that is going to launch
*January 6th 2009*.

What this means to you is - you can secure
a pre-launch position directly under me
at the very top by acting immediately:


This will be very exciting.

Imagine that right now you enter your name,
desired login name and email address into
this page:


Then do nothing more...

...Until January 6th when you wake up
and realize that you have a downline of
hundreds or even thousands of people
below you?

Think what that can do for your income.

Here's the fact...

When an opportunity like this launches,
those who get in at the beginning can
make a fortune with very little effort.

Sometimes just being in the right place
at the right time and *taking action*
is really all it takes...

Imagine this is your lucky day.

Go and take action now.

Don't delay because such an early
opportunity will only be available
to you *ONCE*:


Some additional info: This program
is developed by Implix, the company
behind GetResponse.

That tells you about the quality of
the products (which are tools you use
for the internet business anyway),
and how BIG this can grow.

I'll be promoting this aggressively
in 2009 and I highly suggest you do
the same:


In fact, start promoting immediately
to build your own downline once you
get your id here:


The rewards are unimaginable.


- Ewen Chia

I hope you act immediately.

Even if you are already pre-registered with WebProsperity, grab your position from link,
just use another e-mail and username.
They allow us to preposition for the January 6th.

* ps,
There's a reason why this link is called "Platinum Leader"

** The spelling "Ewan Chia" is just for SEO purpose.
The real spelling is Ewen Chia.

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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F5 pre-launch begins - here's your link

It's FormulaFIVE time!

If you haven't heard about FormulaFIVE, it's our new business-
building program we're releasing in January (the 15th to be

We've developed FormulaFIVE in conjunction with Super-
Consultant Paul Lemberg - he's used the techniques in F5 to
increase his clients' revenues by over $350 MILLION.

And now, in just the last 90 days, our beta group at StomperNet
has used F5 to increase their revenue by $2 million. There are
a few of those in our teaser trailer at .

It's two minutes long - that's all we're asking for today from
you AND your subscribers.

So after you watch it, you should mail your list to go see it.
Here is your Formula FIVE link for the ENTIRE launch:

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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Offline Marketing Activities

In my previous post, I've talked about the basics of offline marketing [outdoor sales] which is also applicable online. Today, I want to share my previous offline marketing activities.

During that time, I was not even aware of the existence of online marketing and I don't even have an email account. My only "rest day" was on Sunday.

I will wake up at 5.30am everyday to prepare myself for work. Upon reaching the office, it was already about 7am, the techno music were turn up loud and we need to shout to speak to each other.
- The loud music somehow made me feel more energetic and enthusiastic even when I had not enough sleep the night before.

- The need to shout to speak every morning had train me to pitch clearly and fluently to customers even when the surroundings was very noisy.

There were 20 of us doing outdoor and at 7.30am, we gather and form a circle. Each of us will then, tell everyone what's his/her target audience for the day.

- This is to boost up the self-confidence and to build up the mental strength.

We then form 4 teams and decide which location we will go to do the pitchings. Each team will go to a different location.

Before leaving the office, we will pitch amongst ourselves to get the "feel" and when leaving the office, we will do it quickly and we will walk super fast.

- Walking fast everyday make me appreciate my time and made my brain works faster.

After we left the office, the 4 teams will go seperate ways. My team will usually have breakfast first and will make a move at 9.30am.

Everyday, I will pitch the minimum 300 person and make sure that I have combed my area correctly.

I applied all the basic marketing stratagies that I posted previously and the results were mesmerizing.

If you are a beginner marketer, I suggest you try out these offline marketing activities but if you are an experience marketer, just convert my offline marketing activities and apply it online.

If you enjoy this article, I am sure you will enjoy my other articles at

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Offline/Online Marketing Basic Steps

First you need to know is the five basic marketing steps which is

1. Introduction
Smile > Enthusiasm > Eye-to-eye contact

2. Short Story
KISS Principle

3. Presentation
Put the product in their hands

4. Close
A) Qualifying questions
B) Multiples

5. Rehash
Double Your Cash

Here I will roughly elaborate the First Five Basic Steps and
How you can put them to use.

1. Introduction
Smile [an expression on your face in which the corners of your mouth turn up, showing happiness, pleasure, etc]
Enthusiasm [a strong feeling of excitement or interest in something and a desire to become involve in it]
Eye-to-eye contact [looking directly at another person eyes with a meaning]

Be it if you're the product owner or if you are a promoter, you will need to do these.
Introductions is importatnt to "Break The Ice".
All you need to do is SEE [Smile,Enthusiasm,Eye-to-eye contact]

When introducing yourself or a product, show your happiness and pleasure to the person you're talking to.
Show them that you are happy to meet them and it's pleasuring to share the product with them.

Be excited to introduce yourself and the product to others, you have to show your interest in them and show
them that you are involve in the product by using the product yourself.
(eg, if you are selling watches, put a similiar watch on ; if you are selling a Toyota, drive a Toyota)

If you're selling product offline, look at your customers in the eye when you are talking to them.
This will create somekind of bond and trust and thus make it easier for the product to be sold.

If you are selling a product online, you can't make an eye-to-eye contact with your customers right?
What can you do is make a video review, to create a bond and trust between you and your customers by
- Give them tips
- Free Gifts
- Good Informations
- Interact with them using forums, blogs, social networks, etc...
- Give them your email where you can provide support

2. Short Story
KISS Principle
[Keep It Short and Sharp, Keep It Short and Sweet, Keep It Sweet and Sharp, Keep It Simple And Sharp, etc]

Keep your introduction short, sharp, simple and sweet.
Don't "Beat around the bush" too much.

3. Presentation
Put the product in their hands

Tell your customers, what's good about the product and where it's originally from and why it is wise to purchase the product from you.
Hand them the product and let them feel it. This will create a sense of belonging for them.

Tips* Pitch the product for twice it's price and tell your customer that if they get it today, they will get 1 for FREE.

Create a good landing page where you briefly explains about the product and at the same time -
Tell them why it is wise to purchase from you.
Give them a free trial or a $1 trial. Give them a sneak preview.

4. Close
A) Qualifying questions
B) Multiples

When doing a closing, NEVER ask a customer a question like this...
"So, are you interested?" or "Do you want to buy?"
In other words, be confident.
Treat it as if they already said YES to make a purchase.

Instead ask them, "Will two be enough?"

This way, you help them decide to buy your products.

When you ask them the closing question, "Will two be enough?"
You are actually multiplying your profits but if they said, "I'll just take one."
You don't wait another second, just sell it to them first.

5. Rehash
Double Your Cash

After you've sell them the product, express your gratitude and at the same time,
give them an idea about how this product will make a great gift for someone they know.

Second is the eight steps
[This Steps Is More of a Disiplinary Actions for Yourself]

1. Have a Great Attitude
Attitude and Enthusiasm move merchandise

2. Be on Time
If you're not Early, you're Late !

3. Be Prepared
Do what it takes to reach your goals.

4. Work a Full Day
Know the area the night before
Plan Ahead

5. Work your Area Correctly
Smoother your area. Talk to EVERYONE...
It's a Numbers Game

6. Maintain your Attitude
Each NO brings you closer to a YES...
LAW OF AVERAGES... See the people

7. Know why you are Here and What are you Doing
Moving the product is important but using the product to learn
about the business is even more important.

8. Take Control
Take control of your customers, Situations and consequently...
your FUTURE!

Third is the IMPULSE

People are Greedy. Take advantage.

2. Fear of Loss
People are afraid of losing out on a good deal.

3. Indifference
Take it or Leave it.
You Snooze, You Lose !

4. Create a sense of Urgency
Time is money, Money is Time.
Be in a Hurry.

5. Jones Theory

Now, you've known the Basics. This knowledge is your Sword.
Yes, your Sword may be blunt now but think of it this way...
Well, at least you now got a Sword! It's your job to sharpen it.

You can apply this basic knowledge offline and online.
All you need to do is Understand the Basics.

I have written this article in

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AsdCashGenerator Returns

After doing some researching through the internet, I saw that some people wants AsdCashGenerator to return. Also, a number of people are blaming the Government for AsdCashGenerator shut down. I am surprised that AsdCashGenerator still have a bunch of 'Die Hard Fans' even after they shut down.

Now, I don't blame AsdCashGenerator 'Die Hard Fans' for being so loyal to AsdCashGenerator because I understand and know how it feels like to lose money and worst still, the "uncomfortable" feelings from being a super proud member and promoting AsdCashGenerator like crazy on the first place and then, forced to face everyone you have reccomended AsdCashGenerator to.

What AsdCashGenerator members can do now is take advantage of the situation just like what this guy in the video did.

AsdCashGenerator on WCTV

Proof shows that this guy really lost 20k

Assuming AsdCashGenerator returns

At AsdCashGenerator HQ

Here's the link to reports on Asdcahgenerator

So, you've watched the videos... Intresting isn't it?
The guy in the video is getting traffics and signups for his business from taking advantage of the situation. Instead of feeling sorry for himself, he decided to take charge and make things right again for himself. That's what other AsdCashGenerator members should do or if you were scammed before by another company, you should do something similiar to what this guy did. From there, you will see a significant amount increase of traffic to you website/blog.

If you liked AsdCashGenerator, I reccommend you to join some legit opportunity similar to AsdCashGenerator below.

LeadsLeap EmailCashPro Hits4Pay Clixsense Adbux

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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GorillaMillions Cancel

In the previous post, I've exposed the truth about GorillaMillions and
why I cancelled my memberships.

If you have not watch the video, you can watch it here.

In this post, I want to explain how to unsubscribe from GorillaMillions.

Before you cancel you account, be sure to copy the names and email addresses of your prospects and downlines somewhere.

To unsubscribe from GorillaMillions, you need to
First - Log into PayPal
Click "History"
Select "Subscriptions" from the "Show:" drop-down box.
You may need to select a longer timeframe from the "For:" drop-down box if you have had your account longer than a month. Try selecting "Past Year".
Press submit.
You should see an entry called "Subscription Creation" with "CompanyExpress" in the "Name/Email" column. There will be a link in the "Status" column that tells you the status of the subscription. If it says "Active", click it.
Click the button that says "Cancel Subscription" and follow the remainder of the steps.
Second - Log into GorillaMillions Members Area
On the left sidebar click on cancellations and fill in you details at the bottom part of the page and submit.
If you forgot your detail just click on edit profile and you can see your details there.

You will then be redirected to a page that says GorillaMillions will notify you of
you complete cancellations by email within 24hrs or up to 72hrs on weekend.

Personally, after I did the cancellations, I received not a single email from

Ok, now that you are free from the GorillaMillions SCAM, take note of all company by Steve Sigman or CompanyExpress and please beware of this scammer.

If you are like me, who thinks that it's my responsibility to warn others about GorillaMillions, please shoot an email to all your list of prospects and downlines from your GorillaMillions account and tell them the truth about GorillaMillions.

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GorillaMillions Scam Exposed

GorillaMillions is a scam and as an ex active member in,
I can confirm that and I am exposing this to the public. I hope that you will
send this out to your family and friends before they get ripped off by this
Gorilla Millions Scam.

[Watch The Video]

The truth about online money maker such as GorillaMillions is busted.
While I was scammed at, I found a better and cheaper
money maker that really helped me alot and the best part is it's only $7.

Gorilla Millions may have ripped me off but I also thank them for opening
my eyes and help me recognised a potential money ripping scam on the internet.

After you watch the video, I suggest that you quickly get seven dollars secrets
for just $7. I can only say that it's the best $7 that I spend on the internet.

Here the link again
==> $7 Dollar Secrets

So, if you are thinking of joining a money maker such as Gorilla Millions, please
think twice. I hope you appreciate my humble review exposing the truth about
GorillaMillions. Thank you.

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GorillaMillions Members Break

GorillaMillions being fair to all members.
GorillaMillions will pay out all Fast Start Bonus via Paypal to those who can use Paypal and Alertpay and Western Union/MoneyGram
Bank Wire to others who have sent in requests.

GorillaMillions payout will only include members who have rebilled to 15 days and not cancelled, been refunded or charged back or cancelled.

Payment processors PayPal has asked GorillaMillions to stay in good standing with them and use their services to pay out Gorilla Millions commissions.

That's a great break for everybody!

GorillaMillions programmers is making the necessary changes to the members area so that GorillaMillions members will be able to give their paypal email address and later this week GorillaMillions will be sending out more of their first payruns.

The chargeback and cancellation issues are more manageable now and since members are going into their second month of billing, there is no question that GorillaMillions will be paying out all fast start bonuses as quickly as they can EVERY WEEK with a time lag but starting later this week!

GorillaMillons first pool payouts are RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. GorillaMillions is working on fast start calculations and bringing those payouts up to date and by the 15th of August and NO LATER GorillaMillions will make the first pool payouts to everybody who qualifies!

If you have not join GorillaMillions, please do so now

==> GorillaMillions.Com

Thanks for all your patience with GorillaMillions .. forgive the time lag.

You don't even have to sponsor anybody to get paid at GorillaMillions.

GorillaMillions members earn up to $1,950.00 a month with absolutely NO OUTSIDE ENROLLING REQUIREMENTS.

100% Fast Start Bonuses And Two Income Pools Are Based On Just Becoming An Upgraded GorillaMillions Member.

Enjoy your GorillaMillions income and do nothing more.
You are never obligated to do a thing!

==> GorillaMillions.Com

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GorillaMillions Release Commission Payout Instructions

GorillaMillions just update their Commision Payout Instructions
on 29 July. Obviously, things are getting better and better for
all paying members at GorillaMillions.

GorillaMillions will be paying comissions with Paypal and Alertpay.

All GorillaMillions members is about to be a part of some of the
biggest payouts in the history of Home Based Internet Business!

==> GorillaMillions.Com

Are you ready to Strike it Rich on the Internet?

You can Earn Thousands of Dollars Every Month With GorillaMillions!

It's free to try, and it's Guaranteed
You can get started for as little as 25cents!

Weekly Payout, Great Internet Marketing Tools,
Everybody Get's Paid... No Enrolling required!

You can make up to $1,950 a month with no
Personal Sponsoring... Ever!

Join in today...

==> GorillaMillions.Com

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This is a brief review of AsdCashGenerator.

ASDCashGenerator is an advertising company where members can earn rebates daily
for advertising. ASDCashgenerator provides a way to drive people to a site to see a
product or opportunity.

AsdCashGenerator advertising members have the opportunity to earn
rebates based on every advertising dollar they spent.

For every dollar AsdCashGenerator member spent for ad puchase as they
have the opportunity to earn about $1.25 in commission. If an AsdCashGenerator member purchase $500 in advertising, he/she can earn $625 in rebates before those
ad packages expire.

All of the AsdCashGenerator advertising members pay to have their site viewed by
thousand of other members. An AsdCashGenerator member would just view up to
24 webpages for 15 seconds each of other members of AsdCashGenerator everyday to
earn their share of rebates for that day. AsdCashGenerator provides the surfing
platform that allows all members to have their ad seen all day long in random rotation
by other members.

Each ad package cost a dollar. Let's say for this example that there are currently 1 million
active ad packages in AsdCashGenerator and for today, let's say that there are $50,000
of new ad packages are puchased. AsdCashGenerator is prepared to pay out 50% of daily
income as rebates. So, 50% of$50,000 is $25,000 to be paid out in rebates to all active
members who surf today.

AsdCashGenerator active members earn rebates on each ad purchase until they earn 125%
of what they paid for the ad purchase. AsdCashGenerator members can purchase new ad packages everyday if they wish from rebates earned and from cash deposits made to AsdCashGenerator.

AsdCashGenerator will also pay up to a 10% referral commission for each purchase made
from someone an AsdCashGenerator paying member tell about AsdCashGenerator.
AsdCashGenerator will also pay up to a 5% referral commission for second level of referrals.

AsdCashGenerator member that do not pay a membership fee will be paid a 3% referral commission on all of personal sales only.

AsdCashGenerator Free Members do not earn rebates nor referral commissions.

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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GorillaMillions Commision Payout Options

Three days ago, July 23, GorillaMillions updates on the Commission Payout Options.

Do you know what this means?
GorillaMillions is getting ready to pay their members handsomely.
This is a very exciting news for all Gorilla Millions Members.

I suggest you read their Frequently Asked Questions and take a good look
at their Bonus Pool. See why GorillaMillions don't do SpillOver and understand
How Gorilla Millions works.

To see the FAQ's you must become a free member.
Don't worry, it's totally free.

Once you signup, Gorilla Millions will email you your ID and Password.
Login to your account, scroll down and you can see the FAQ's link on
the left sidebar. Read it but don't get too excited yet as there are more
coming in the members area.

See it for yourself

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My Home Pages Friends

How to Earn from My Home Pages Friends

You are here because you were referred by a friend or
by me or maybe you just reach here by chance but no matter
how you got here....
I am humble by your support and thank you for being here.

-Let's get things going-

Please keep in mind that there is nothing to lose as this program is 100% Free!

This is how your earnings is calculated
(Click Image To Enlarge)

Now how would you like to earn an extra income of £288.00 per month?

-The method-

1. Signup for a Paypal account if you have not got one. (Advisable to use)
2. Signup under the Link of the one who referred you.
3. Login to your myhpf account and set your homepage to
4. Inside the member's area, click "Give my payment details" located on the
right sidebar and enter your Paypal ID which is your email address.

-The plan-

In one month if 10 of your friends also did 30 searches
and in turn 10 of their friends did the same
and in turn 10 of their friends did the same you will earn £288.00!

In one year if 10 of your friends also did 30 searches
and in turn 10 of their friends did the same
and in turn 10 of their friends did the same you will earn £3,504.00!

(Click Image To Enlarge)

This will get bigger and bigger and bigger.... recruit as many friends as you can and get a
bigger pay.

-How It Works-

The first rule is DON'T SPAM
Second - BE FAIR
Please Give the one who reffered you the credits, signup under his/her refferal link.
Only do searches of what you are really looking for as what you normally do before
you join in this program.

Send an email to all your contacts (Be Creative-You can write your own email or
you can copy,edit,paste and send this email I prepared for you)

Subject/Title: This is cool!

Dear Friend,

How would you like to earn an extra income of £288.00 per month from home?

I have started using a great web search service that allows me to earn money from searching
in my normal way. It`s quick and free to set up, keeps you up to date on your earnings and
pays out monthly.

Come join me now
==> http://www.

You can see the guide to make £288.00 per month from home at

I hope you'll be open to join me in this, after all - It's 100% Free!!!
We have got nothing to lose.

Come join me now
==> Your Referal Link

Your Name

ps, Just copy and paste this email, change my refferal link to yours and send to all
your contacts. This really works!

pps, but if you decide not to join me, please help me out by forwarding this email to your
other contacts. I will truly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

Just in case you were not reffered by anyone,
Please accept my invitation at

Do you know what's Paying It Foward?

Paying It Forward Movie 4

You can watch the first few part at
Paying It Foward Movie

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Gorilla Millions Marketing

Gorilla Millions is still very new and the marketing tools is still not ready
except for only 2 banners which are recently made available in the
members area. Before that, I had to make my own Gorilla Millions banners.

Up till today, still I receive no payments from Gorilla Millions but I try to
understand their situation as GorillaMillions is still in pre launch.

Once I got my first payment from GorillaMillions, first thing for sure is I
will post it here as GorillaMillions proof of payments.

Actually, I am not hoping to make millions from GorillaMillions but it will
satisfice me if they really pays. So that, all of us who's trying to set up a
business online will have a real opportunity to succeed.

I am a paying member at GorillaMillions and I want to recruit as many
people as I can to join my team but I am not willing to shatter anyone's
dream to make money online by joining me and not getting paid by them.
End up, the hope is lost and you just give up. I don't want that to happen.

Subscribe to my blog for future updates. I hope to see you in my next post.

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Gorilla Millions Opportunity Knocks

If you stay in network marketing long enough you will eventually hear someone say some version of, "Oh, that's one of those pyramid schemes."

Or, perhaps you're saying that to yourself right now.

However, Gorilla Millions are not the same thing as pyramid schemes. In fact, you want to avoid pyramid schemes all together.

I’m sure you have your own set of questions, so my best suggestion is to read the FAQ’s at the site to get your questions answered so you can make a decision about whether or not this is a good match for you.


To get to the FAQ's page you need to signup, don't worry it's totally free and you can opt out after that if you feel that Gorilla Millions is not for you.

You can join and then just do nothing to collect your share of the pool or you can also refer others to earn even bigger payouts.

It seems to be blazing across the internet right now and a LOT of people are joining… which is good for those who get in early.


You are one of the very FIRST to know about this new program with a new type of “Moneyline” plan with guaranteed payout.

Looks like every single day a HUGE pool of MONEY builds up as more and more people pile in. That pool of money is then paid out on a first come, first served basis until it’s gone.

Interesting concept.

Those who get in first get a bigger share. Those who get in first AND jump ahead of those who didn’t act fast enough get an even BIGGER share!

For me, this was too easy to pass up.

Take a look for yourself…

You can see the money accumulating right on the website.


Looks like fun… and money.

So get our your GorillaMillions… and pass it along!

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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Gorilla Millions WHOIS Information

Here is Gorilla Millions WHOIS information

(Click Image to Enlarge)

Sign up here to become an officially upgraded member, please go to


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Gorilla Millions

Gorilla Millions Latest Update

I received this from Gorilla Millions.

Gosh how we get in trouble sometimes just for telling the truth! More
people emailed and called today just because they are seeing some honest
challenges ... EVERYTHING IS OK HERE dear members!

Gorilla Millions are part of this in business over 10 years on the internet. My boss has been doing this for years and GorillaMillions is the extention of BigGorilla (we took that down and developed a site that pays out MORE TO ALL MEMBERS and with tools that are functioning!

Can you bear with Gorilla Millions? The DOS attacks are getting less and less, we are working with the backbone of the perpetrator, a Marissa ... who has been
spoofing our servers sending all the spam. Cancellations will level off and we

Last year we paid out OVER $600,000 I CAN DOCUMENT THAT, my boss has
records that we are happy to share with any of you!

Gorilla Millions are not here today and gone tomorrow, we are a company with years of experience! Every time we open a new web system SOMETHING HAPPENS, we get hacked, people play games .. there are tons of jealous idiots out there who would rather be deceiving then forthright and just say "I wish I could do what you are doing!" ..

Do you follow me? There is NO REASON FOR ALARM, our uptime is getting
better and WE HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS to settle down (so its five percent we are losing, do you see any reason we should payout over 100 per cent on the first month? .. only answer that if you are man or woman enough ...

Gorilla Millions are not in business to LOSE money over the long haul. I hope this clears up some of the emails and questions and worry .. let me worry ok? You just go
get more business and build up your check.

There is so much more to come you will flip out if I told you everything Gorilla Millions will be doing in the future now. As I always say and have said, all our
customers ALWAYS BENEFIT from the BEST WE CAN GET YOU ...

And we always will!

Take a tour

==> GorillaMillions.Com

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Gorilla Millions Pays or Not

What you should know about Gorilla Millions 25cents pitch....

It will cost you 25cents for the first 5 days to get started and
if you wish to stay a member you will need to pay $19.95
per month.

For me, I started out paying double (50cents) and the monthly
subscription fees I am paying is $39.90

My 1st reason is to double my commisions.
2nd is I truly believe that Success Is Not By Chance and
"Failure Is Just An Event"

Furthermore, I'd rather spend my money here than spend it
on buying lottery tickets and hopes to win it big.
In short, I rather earn it big than to win it big.

Honestly, I am still waiting for the commision payout
Click the image to enlarge it.

If you are looking at Gorilla Millions, I invite you to
join me today

==> GorillaMillions.Com

but if you want to see proof first, make sure you subscribe to
my blog or bookmark it or save it to favourite and check my
blog often for updates.

I will be posting Gorilla Millions proof of payments on this blog
as soon as I receive my first payment.

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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More About Gorilla Millions

Who runs this program and how do You know that Gorilla Millions can be trusted?

Gorilla Millions are run by a 12 year old company that has been doing successful
payouts for many many years, in fact last (2007) year Gorilla Millions paid out
CLOSE TO A MILLION DOLLARS in commissions! If you would like to see any
of Gorilla Millions past records, just ask their staff! They are happy to prove that
Gorilla Millions payout all commissions at any time.

You Can have more than one position in Gorilla Millions

Yes, the maximum amount of memberships you can have in your family is 3
memberships. Gorilla Millions do NOT condone multiple memberships and
anybody caught breaking this rule in any way will be immediately terminated.
Gorilla Millions do offer a fast track, you can purchase 3 memberships also at the
initial time of your purchase and be immediately qualified for Gorilla Millions
enrollers bonus pools if you so desire.

As internet income opportunites go, the misnomer of a huge pyramid of people
appearing magically under your position is just that, it's a MISNOMER that people
get confused about because they are led to believe there will be lots of SPILLOVER.

Gorilla Millions don't do SPILLOVER, it's not fair to YOU or any of the other
MEMBERS, what's FAIR is what Gorilla Millions do, we share the wealth with
EVERYBODY depending on enrolling status and time in the program, as well as
retention. This is what's fair in this day and age, older matrix based payout models
are really obsolete!

Are you ready to Strike it Rich on the Internet?

Collect your MoneyPool Shares as Early as Midnight TONIGHT!

You can Earn Thousands of Dollars Every Month!

It's free to try, and it's Guaranteed
You can get started for as little as a quarter!

YEP, Just 25cents!

Weekly Payout, Great Internet Marketing Tools,
Everybody Get's Paid... No Enrolling required!

Join Today and You can make up to $1,950 a month with no
Personal Sponsoring... Ever!


To your mutual success!

Success Not By Chance
"offers 100% Real - No scam - No Hype"

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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Gorilla Millions spam scam On

This post is about "Gorilla Millions spam scam" thread on

Whenever someone search for the phrase "Gorilla Millions" on
They will see this thread "Gorilla Millions spam scam" from on the top list

Here's the search result url:

Normally people will click on the first link they saw from their search results
and if it's from, immediately they will click and read without
knowing what they are in for.

This is how the thread looks like

Here's the Link:

The thread was started by member with the Username ZeroDollarMarketer

Here's what he wrote:

Gorilla Millions spam scam

I don't care if Gorilla Millions is a legitimate MLM or affiliate program. Some
bastard signed me up under himself and sent me an upgrade email.

Totally shitty way to do business.

That makes Gorilla Millions a no-go because they are either
teaching spam tactics or recruiting stupidpeople... either of which gets it

Thumbs Down.

I smell something fishy with this guy's thread
So, I registered as a member with the Username Friend Finder

I post a reply to his thread saying:


I am a paying member at Gorilla Millions.

What you were saying is all out of anger.

I can't blame you for being angry but Gorilla Millions are not
teaching spam tactics or recruiting stupid people...

And please don't say they are recruiting "stupid people".

We know that Greed is the factor why you got spam.

As humans we all have greeds but we
must learn how not to be too Greedy.

There are 3 possibilities here...

1. What you experienced, is maybe from a greedy member.
He knows that Gorilla Millions can really make him money.
So, he started spamming.

2. It can also be that someone is sabotaging his business by
registering your name and email address on his website.
(This someone must have known you to have your name and email address)

3. You are making up all this to gain more traffic to
your blog which is in your signature line by using the keyword Gorilla Millions.

As we know the word "spam" "scam" ranks well in search results.
It looks obvious that you are spamming the search results by putting these 2
words together for the title. If you are, shame on you!

I hope my reply have clear your doubts and tells you that
Gorilla Millions are not teaching any spam tactics

and it is a real legitimate opportunity

But my reply did not appear anywhere, so I thought, maybe
it's a Moderated forum where my reply needs
an approval from this guy.
Until the time of writing still I did not see my reply appearing in his thread.
I really hope he'll be fair to others, especially the newbies who is only starting
on their journey to make some money online.
His thread is only misleading others away from an excellent money making
opportunity Gorilla Millions is offering while redirecting their attention to his
blog which recommends a lot more programs which he, of course, gets to keep
all the profits.
I felt sorry for those who fallen "victim" to this thread.
To those of you who is reading this, don't wait for too long
Join and be an upgraded member today at Gorilla Millions
like what I did. You won't regret it.

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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Gorilla Millions Income Plan

Gorilla Millions Is About Creating Internet Millionaires.
You Might Think Gorilla Millions Are Crazy But ...
If The Mind Can Conceive And Believe It,
The Mind Can Achieve It!
And Our Collective Minds Can Do Better!

Excuse Me, Do You Have A Quarter?

Look At All These Exciting Ways To Make
Money Every Month In GorillaMillions!

100% Fast Start Bonuses And Two Income Pools Are
Based On Just Becoming An Upgraded Member!
The Last Is A Bonus Pool For Enrollers.
Gorilla Millions Have To Reward
GorillaMillions Promoters Too!
They Help Gorilla Millions All Make More $$$

==> GorillaMillions.Com

Gorilla Millions Income Plan

First Is Gorilla Millions Fast Start Bonus
-This Begins With Your Members Second Payment!

Next Are Gorilla Millions Huge Bonus Pools
-Paid Out To Everybody - No Matter What Rank Or Status
-If You Are An Upgraded Member - You Get Paid!
All Bonus Pools Are Paid Second Month And Beyond
As Gorilla Millions are Paying 100% Fast Start Bonus.


Commissionable Membership in Gorilla Millions is earned just
by upgrading and GorillaMillions have millions of $$$ planned
on paying out for this fastest growing profit sharing pool!
You have absolutely no enrolling required to get paid every month!
All upgraded members of Gorilla Millions are automatically paid
just for being here! You can earn back most of your membership fee
just for being an upgraded member! The qualifications are met by
the company, not the individual members! How cool is that?
This bonus is paid in addition to the other bonuses! These bonuses are
paid from all members second month upgrade and beyond.
It's GorillaMillions!

Without recruiting a single person you can make up to
$1,950.00 A Month And Even More If You Enroll Others!

==> GorillaMillions.Com


Coded Bonuses Are Earned By Time In The Program.
This is where it really gets exciting!
After just your second month in Gorilla Millions
You Make Cash Back Just For Staying Active!
Cash back for just being a member! It's a first on the internet!


Enrollers Bonuses Are Earned As A Profit Sharing Bonus.
The more of your business that stays on the books, the bigger
your enrollers bonuses will be! Take a look at this insane fourth
bonus Gorilla Millions payout for enrolling helpers!
Gorilla Millions are paying out by bonus pool instead of a bonus
on every member every month to the enrollers.
In Gorilla Millions history of doing the kind of volume we do in
our business, this is a way to pay GorillaMillions enrollers
basis month aftermonth, with this bonus pool (enrollers)
You Will Earn More Than Ever On Your Customers Renewals Every Month!

==> GorillaMillions.Com

No Hype, No B.S., Nobody Gets Hurt, Every Body Gets Paid,
It's Your Destiny To Get Rich With GorillaMillions!
You Can Get Started With Just A Quarter!

Relax! Gorilla Millions
Has Got You Covered!

Take a Tour:

You can make up to $1,950 a month with no
Personal Sponsoring... Ever!

To your mutual success!

Success Not By Chance
"offers 100% Real - No scam - No Hype"

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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About Gorilla Millions

Are You Ready To Strike It Rich On The Internet?
You Can Earn ThousandsOf Dollars Every Month!

GorillaMillions Is About Creating Internet Millionaires.
You Might Think Gorilla Millions Are Crazy But ...
If The Mind Can Conceive And Believe It,
The Mind Can Achieve It!
And Gorilla Millions Collective Minds Can Do Better!

Excuse Me, Do You Have A Quarter?

Look At All These Exciting Ways To Make Money Every
Month In GorillaMillions! 100% Fast Start Bonuses And
Two Income Pools Are Based On Just Becoming A Gorilla Millions
Upgraded Member! The Last Is A Bonus Pool For Enrollers.
Gorilla Millions Have To Reward GorillaMillions Promoters Too!
They Help Gorilla Millions Members Make More $$$

Take a LOOK
==> GorillaMillions.Com

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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Gorilla Millions Review Spam Policy

Gorilla Millions maintains a ZERO tolerance policy towards the sending of spam email.
Spam email is defined as Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE).

In the event that Gorilla Millions Members send spam email to users without their permission,
Gorilla Millions Members risk immediate cancellation of their account.

A Gorilla Millions member understand that GorillaMillions neither condones nor
tolerates the sending of unsolicited or spam email by its members.

What You should know before joining Gorilla Millions....

Gorilla Millions members understand and acknowledge that:

Gorilla Millions members are solely responsible for mail received
and/or sent on their behalf.

GorillaMillions will immediately terminate your service and charge
you a $500 clean-up fee for violating this Spam Policy.

GorillaMillions reserves the right to take legal action against any
member found violating this Spam Policy.

You will not be eligible for a refund when you have violated the GorillaMillions Spam Policy.

So, now that you know how Gorilla Millions hates spam.
Why not take advantage of this legitimate opportunity today?

It's free to try, and it's Guaranteed
You can get started for as little as a quarter!

YEP, Just 25cents!

Weekly Payout, Great Internet Marketing Tools,
Everybody Get's Paid... No Enrolling required!

Take a Tour:


You can make up to $1,950 a month with no
Personal Sponsoring... Ever!

Success Not By Chance
"offers 100% Real - No scam - No Hype"

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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Gorilla Millions Business Review

A history in the making, GorillaMillions! Take 10-15 minutes to read
and understand the business, I suggest you do it now or soon when
you have a little spare time. Please read this entirely and read the
business summary in Gorilla Millions members area, then you are
completely "in the loop" and will never miss a beat (or commission payout!).

First of all welcome to what most believe is the best opportunity on the
internet today for income for everybody, for real! Everybody is really
quailfied for commissions once they upgrade in Gorilla Millions.
Gorilla Millions pay all their members who follow easy instructions on a
monthly basis and a member can earn up to $1,950.00 a month without
ever enrolling a single person!

The 100% fast start bonuses are an industry first, yes Gorilla Millions lose
their fees but gain a new customer and that makes it well worth it to pay
Gorilla Millions promoters 100% commissions as well as a share of
Gorilla Millions profits! But it doesn't stop there, anyone can also earn an
additional share in Gorilla Millions profit pools just by staying a customer!

Gorilla Millions tools are on the fastest server Gorilla Millions have ever run,
its like 4 processors emulating as 8 with 5 gigs of ram, its super expensive
but will handle up to tens of thousands of members, even hundreds of thousands!
Some of Gorilla Millions expansion is up to their members,
Gorilla Millions members can use tell a friend in the members area to show
Gorilla Millions business to any of their friends, there is never any obligation to
spend money and maybe they will learn a thing or two about how the internet
home business field is REALLY SUPPOSED TO WORK, stacked for Gorilla Millions Members and NOT THE COMPANY!

Gorilla Millions have a half dozen free and other inexpensive opportunities in
the Gorilla Millions members area and members can
(soon as Gorilla Millions will be adding rotation in their first 60 days after prelaunch)
be able to change the links in their Gorilla Millions back office to their own so that
anybody who ever comes in GorillaMillions signs up under them!

Gorilla Millions Promise About Other Income Opportunities they Offer

GorillaMillions is a TYPE A EASY business. Gorilla Millions will never ever offer any other offerings in Gorilla Millions members area from companies where they don't have a lot of experience with or know the owners personally. And nothing will EVER BE MORE THAN $20! That's Gorilla Millions guarantee, and Gorilla Millions will always payout commissions on time!

And since EVERY BODY gets paid EVERY MONTH with GorillaMillions,
Gorilla Millions expect you can and should take at least a few minutes to fill out the very easy online forms you need to do just one time in your life to get commissions.

Take A Tour:


internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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Gorilla Millions Review

Gorilla Millions has the most popular business tools you can get
and other great member features. The cost of membership for
Gorilla Millions is 1/5 the cost if you were to purchase all these
tools seperately! But that's only the beginning, you get paid to refer
others to Gorilla Millions and it could make you rich!

You are allowed up to 2 positions, you can only get extra positions
once at sign up. Why do Gorilla Millions offer you up to 2 positions?
Gorilla Millions want everybody to be able to earn in up to 2 of
their bonus pools with absolutely no outside sponsoring. As you can see,
Gorilla Millions viral commissions were created for networkers by networkers!

Gorilla Millions also give you member bonuses from time to time absolutely free!

Gorilla Millions reseller program can create income streams like you
have never seen before so don't miss out! It can put you up on Google
and other search engines with your own reseller program where you
earn 100% commissions on all sales and more!

Gorilla Millions will be adding many new promotion tools for their
members as they grow, prelaunch is now through the end of September 2008.

Spam complaints will result in immediate termination. There are no
second chances. When you promote a system like Gorilla Millions
responsibly, you can build a huge residual income and earn tons of
fast start $20 bills every month.
Take a Tour:

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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Gorilla Millions | New Money Maker

All New!!! Do you have 25cents? Join and earn up to $1,950.00 per month!

Dear Friend,

Are you ready to Strike it Rich on the Internet?

Collect your MoneyPool Shares as Early as Midnight TONIGHT!

You can Earn Thousands of Dollars Every Month!

It's free to try, and it's Guaranteed
You can get started for as little as a quarter!

YEP, Just 25cents!

Weekly Payout, Great Internet Marketing Tools,
Everybody Get's Paid... No Enrolling required!

Take a Tour:
Gorilla Millions

You can make up to $1,950 a month with no
Personal Sponsoring... Ever!

To your mutual success!

Success Not By Chance
"offers 100% Real - No scam - No Hype"

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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Paid to Search

Get Paid To Search The Internet

After having no success with ExthreemOnline(now has shut down), I sense that paying for making money online is not a so good idea but if paying for a compact proven money making blueprint would be a better idea.

Will you join me in a new Paid To Search program?
I just join this program today after learning the fact that this program is from a
charity fund orginisation.

What I can see is that this progam is actually giving us a chance to earn while helping them to collect fund for charities.

In their Tell-a-Friend mailer they wrote:

"I have started using a great web search service that allows me to earn money from searching in my normal way. It`s quick and free to set up, keeps you up to date on your earnings and pays out monthly."

Please join me through this link:

And if you want to see how the "my home" page looks like:

And before I forgot, they will be paying in UK Pounds and they included
Paypal in their payment methods.

Another program but it's not a "Paid To Search" is
Web2.0 Million Dollar GiveAway where they said that
their members are calling them The Next Big Google.

The Million Dollar Giveaway will be split between all free members who help them spread the word before July 1.

You can see the offer at:

I guess it's worth it trying out these programs.
After all, it's free.

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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Endless Free PLR Articles

I've just finished my new website which contains Endless Free PLR Articles.
I made the endless free PLR easily accessible online with no download required.
Which means, more free space for your computer.
I hope that it helps.

The Endless Free PLR Articles found in my website is free to use and can be branded
as your own.
My advice is for you to do some simple editing to the endless free plr articles before you
post it to the internet.
This is to avoid duplicated contents.

Please enjoy the endless free PLR articles.

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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PayDotCom Review is free to join. Vendors and affiliates pay a small fee per transaction.

You will need a PayPal account to receive payments or commissions. If you do not have one you need to get one. If you can not get one you can not use the vendor function. You can be an affiliate but only to those vendors that agree to mail checks to their affiliates.
You can signup for:
PayPal account here.

Support is in 2 ways. You can use the peer to peer help forum, or the help desk link located in the help forum. PayDotCom normally reply in 24 hours. Sometimes their help staff needs to get a response from the webmasters and programmers and can take up to 2 business days to get the reply back and posted to the helpdesk.Most answers can be found at the site in the location in question. Try it out, you can't break it by playing with it.

Promote Products and Services From Their Marketplace of Quality Vendors

Earn Money
You can earn sales commissions up to 80% by linking your customers to any of our products and services in our marketplace. Sign Up now for free and start earning commissions today!

With PayDotCom you can earn income by promoting our product links to your customers or by placing links on your website. Use the Marketplace to find products and services that will be of interest to people who visit your site.
Under each product or service in the marketplace you'll see a description of the affiliate program. Just click on the description to promote that product or service.

Tools and Stats
You can get all links and the promotion tools from the Vendor's affiliate tools when you select the product. Then you can track all your stats. You can find more affiliate tools at

Get Paid Your Commissions By PayPal

The Vendor will pay you your commissions each month by mass pay to your PayPal account or by check.. The Vendor chooses how to pay you. You must have an account with one of those programs to get paid if the Vendor does not choose to send checks.

Please note the Vendors preferred payment settings when joining an affiliate program.

PayDotCom's fee to the Affiliate is $0.50 to $1.50 for each transaction (Based on the sale price of the product/service sold.) The Vendor's account will automatically deduct this amount from your commissions each month. This fee will then be paid to PayDotCom by the Vendor, on your behalf, at month close (at no cost to the Vendor.)

So Sign Up now for free and start earning money promoting our products.

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Passive Income |Residual Income |Recurring Income

Passive Income
An income stream falling into this category is one where money is received usually on a regular basis, without continuing effort. This does not mean no effort at all; most Passive Income streams require great effort to start with.
Examples of Passive Income:
Income from rental property
Royalties from writing a book.
Earnings from Network Marketing
Earnings from internet advertisement on your websites.

Residual Income
The excess of controllable operating income over a "minimum" amount of desired controllable operating income.
Your income minus expenses such as monthly payments, proposed housing expenses and taxes.
Residual Income (also called Passive Income or Recurring Income) is income earned on an ongoing basis for effort done once in the past.
Recurring Income
A recurring income stream is the process of making sales, and receiving repeat commisions month after month from those same sales. It's a smart way to go because, after all, the goal of Internet Marketing is to Make Money, and lots of it!
Recurring Income is also known as Passive Income and Residual Income.