Ewan Chia Army of Affiliates WebProsperity
We are in PRE LAUNCH and numbers are out of control!
I am allowing myself to paste here the message I received about this launch from Ewan Chia.
(in case you don’t know him, he’s one of the biggest marketers with strong army of affiliates)
I just replaced his link with mine, but you can be sure that it is on top, for I signed seconds after he sent this message.
Explode your income in 2009 (read now)
This is a very important email and it can
dramatically increase your income in 2009
so I suggest you read everything here...
Before we get into that, if you haven't
got your "No Cost Software" do so
now before it's gone forever:
Done that?
Good, lets continue.
Now here's what this email is all about
and why you'll probably *thank me* for
letting you know about it...
Want to explode your passive income in 2009?
Read on and act NOW...
I've secured the top position in a brand
new opportunity that is going to launch
*January 6th 2009*.
What this means to you is - you can secure
a pre-launch position directly under me
at the very top by acting immediately:
=> http://platinumleader.webprosperity.com
This will be very exciting.
Imagine that right now you enter your name,
desired login name and email address into
this page:
=> http://platinumleader.webprosperity.com
Then do nothing more...
...Until January 6th when you wake up
and realize that you have a downline of
hundreds or even thousands of people
below you?
Think what that can do for your income.
Here's the fact...
When an opportunity like this launches,
those who get in at the beginning can
make a fortune with very little effort.
Sometimes just being in the right place
at the right time and *taking action*
is really all it takes...
Imagine this is your lucky day.
Go and take action now.
Don't delay because such an early
opportunity will only be available
to you *ONCE*:
=> http://platinumleader.webprosperity.com
Some additional info: This program
is developed by Implix, the company
behind GetResponse.
That tells you about the quality of
the products (which are tools you use
for the internet business anyway),
and how BIG this can grow.
I'll be promoting this aggressively
in 2009 and I highly suggest you do
the same:
=> http://platinumleader.webprosperity.com
In fact, start promoting immediately
to build your own downline once you
get your id here:
=> http://platinumleader.webprosperity.com
The rewards are unimaginable.
- Ewen Chia
I hope you act immediately.
Even if you are already pre-registered with WebProsperity, grab your position from http://successnotbychance.blogspot.com/ link,
just use another e-mail and username.
They allow us to preposition for the January 6th.
* ps,
There's a reason why this link is called "Platinum Leader"
=> http://platinumleader.webprosperity.com
** The spelling "Ewan Chia" is just for SEO purpose.
The real spelling is Ewen Chia.