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Stompernet New StomperCommerce software

The guys over at StomperNet have really hit the ball out of the park: if you go to their Stomper999 site and sign up for a free Test Drive StomperNet account, you can get over 40 pieces of content - no charge!

Guess when you've got over 1400 training videos in your extensive Library, you can afford to give a *lot* of stuff away.

While you're there, you should also check out their new StomperCommerce software - this thing is *really* easy to use to build a search-engine friendly shopping cart.

I hear a rumor that StomperNet is building up for some kind of nuclear weapon drop first part of next week - if I didn't already know about the 11 tools that new members will get I probably wouldn't believe there was anything left!

Don't forget to go check out the Free Webinar page at Stomper999 - they're having webinars for the next week with the faculty talking about their areas of expertise AND reviewing the new tools:

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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Stompernet 999 Day 3

Day 3 is here!

If you know anything about StomperNet, you know they teach SEO better than anyone.

That means traffic.

And that traffic WANTS to be Free.

Today, you can learn how to get free traffic - soup to nuts - for Free today.

Do You Know the Holy Grail of Internet Marketing?

My friends over StomperNet have lost their minds!

They're giving away Stomping the Search Engines 2 for free as part of their amazing Stomper 09/09/09 launch.

This formerly $500 product (priced way too low) is just one of the things they're giving away today.

Don't know how they do it.

But there's no doubt they know this stuff - they were teaching SEO before anybody even KNEW about SEO.

Teaching - that's what StomperNet does.

And they also announced something called StomperSyndicator, yet another free tool you'd get if you joined.

This thing is the mac daddy of syndicating and distributing content for SEO.

So go check out Day 3 of StomperNet's launch. If you've missed Days 1 and 2, easy to get caught up while you're there.

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StomperNet 999 Day 2 videos

I think I'm going to like this StomperNet launch. Even though they're open for new members, they seem to be more interested in giving stuff away, and I've already spent a lot of time over there downloading it.

If there's one thing that sets StomperNet apart as a training organization, it's their Faculty. Most internet marketers tend to be lone wolves, or maybe work with one other person.

StomperNet has TWENTY of them! (and they all know their stuff)

Not sure how StomperNet pulls that off, but I do know that if you had to pick ONE reason that StomperNet has helped over 100 people build million dollar businesses (many from scratch) the Faculty would be it.

And speaking of giveaways, you gotta see this new Twitter tool they have they're calling StomperSocial. It's like Tweetdeck on steroids.

Yeah, it's Free (get used to hearing that). StomperNet loves giving away stuff away, but it's not the moldy stuff in the back of the cabinet. It's the GOOD stuff, all geared to making you more money more quickly.

So go check out Day 2 of this launch (and if you missed Day 1, go grab all THAT stuff too).

Talk soon.

Don't forget: They're also having free webinars almost every night with the StomperNet Faculty as part of the launch. There's a button with the schedule on the navigation bar.

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September 9th - more StomperNet, less dough

You don't want to miss this.

When Brad Fallon bought out Andy Jenkins 6 weeks ago, he said we might not recognize StomperNet the next time it opened.

In this case, it's kind of like not recognizing the butterfly after it has emerged.

Fact is, they're reopening a bigger, better StomperNet at one-quarter of the price. What else do you need to know?

There is absolutely NO TRUTH to the rumor that this page will have a bobble-head of Brad on it when they open at 9:09 Wednesday :)

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New Stompernet 999 Price

There's only one place to be this Wednesday morning at 9 Eastern:

I've got it on good authority that StomperNet is reopening for new members for the first time in over 16 months. And they're looking for new Stompers to be part of the Success Story.

Let's face it: for 3 years, StomperNet has given its members a pretty serious leg up on their competitors.

So if them reopening was the ONLY good news, that would probably be enough.

But there's more...WAY more.

The word is that StomperNet is going to be WAY less expensive to join AND offer a lot more (how do those guys DO that?!?)

Apparently they've cut some serious deals and now will have a bunch of great tools included in the membership, to go along with the world-class library of cutting-edge content and the Faculty that just hit 20 strong.

So, get ready to go check it out - only a couple days away now - clear the decks because Wednesday at 9 am you're going to want to see this page:

Once you see it, you're probably going to WANT to be that next Success Story

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Stompernet Reopens 999

What's all this about September 9th?

Don't know if you've heard yet, but there's something big happening over
at StomperNet on September the 9th.

They're keeping this one pretty close to the vest, but I've got the inside
skinny on one thing for sure - they're opening StomperNet back up to
new members.

It's about time - they haven't been open since May of 2008!

Looks like everything about this launch will be happening on this (pretty
cool) page:

You really should go opt in because I hear there's going to be all
kinds of Early Bird stuff.

And mark your calendar for 9:09 am Eastern on the 9th.

It's one of those special days - 09/09/09 - and you know the folks over
at StomperNet, they don't do anything small.

So get check it out:

P.S. I'm pretty fired up to see what they're doing with this...they've already
hired 7 new faculty members since Brad came back.

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Stompernet Formula 5 Shutting Its Doors

Last Chance for Stompernet Formula 5 to Make You More Money

I have some bad news, but fortunately you might be able to turn it into good news if you can act fast on this rare opportunity.

StomperNet's Formula 5 is the kind of comprehensive business-building "MBA-in-a-Box" that so many entrepreneurs like us have been waiting for.

Formula 5

No business degree required, just work hard, follow the instructions, and the whole system just WORKS! Like one gear fitting into the next, each Formula is designed make you maximum profit from every part of your business.

The BAD NEWS is that it's only going to be available for new membership until Tuesday, August 4th at MIDNIGHT. There's a coaching component with this, and the new members are raring to go...

But there's room for a *few* more. And that's how you can turn this into GOOD NEWS - because until they close the doors, you can still take advantage of the "Recession Buster" payment plan and start your Formula 5 transformation for just $197 TODAY!

Formula 5

Paul Lemberg (FormulaFIVE's creator and business super-consultant) normally charges SIX FIGURES to retain his services (plus a "success bonus")...

But you can take advantage of these secrets that have earned hundreds of MILLIONS for Paul's clients in the last 17 years - and it can be yours for under $200 today and tomorrow only.

After that, you'll only be able to hear about Formula 5 from the outside.

Formula 5

Check it out now!

P.S. There's a killer guarantee on Formula 5, too. Try it for 45 DAYS! You get 2 COMPLETE Formulas (of 6 total) before you need to decide to continue. Guess which ones you get?

Product Producer - make your own killer products from scratch
Margin Magnifier - squeeze top dollar out of every product you sell...
As you can see, you CAN'T LOSE when you try Formula 5 (unless you don't try at all). Get it here.

Formula 5

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Stompernet Formula 5 New Price "Recession Buster"

StomperNet's program, Formula 5 has announced a new "Recession Busting" Payment Plan that is so low, ANY business can afford to join.

People wanted Formula 5 to be more affordable, and StomperNet responded! How many other companies can do that?

Why ELSE do I think you need to check out Formula 5?

* 6 figures in extra profits reported by students during the FIRST WEEK.

* Formula 5 creator Paul Lemberg has earned his clients $327 MILLION in additional profits by applying these tactics.

* Formula 5 is RISK FREE - Full Money Back Guarantee even AFTER you've had the chance to use 2 WHOLE modules from the course to explode your business! (Check out the page for details - really cool!)

* AND Stompernet now have a "Recession Buster" Pricing Plan making it more affordable for the struggling business owner.

* The BONUS module, "FormulaSIX - Product Producer" is designed to help beginners and veterans alike CREATE your own new products that people will LOVE to buy. (And it's INCLUDED, even though Stompernet LOWERED the price of the Formula 5 program.)

The people are reporting results like this in just the FIRST WEEK (I got this off their website):

"Ok you guys - I'm so excited about this I had to share it with you! I just made $10,000 - and it's because of the Margin Magnifier!"

If you had an interest in Formula 5 before, Stompernet made it even better AND CHEAPER, so just go check this out.

>>> Formula 5 <<<

It really IS something special, and well worth your time today.

P.S. Spots are STILL limited, and with the new low price, I don't expect they will last very long.

>>> Formula 5 <<<

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StomperNet Formula 5 Video Course

Take a minute today to check this out.

StomperNet Formula 5 Video Course

I've seen people mailing out links to this video today.

It's from StomperNet, so it's super-slick (as usual) but if it was from anyone else, I might not believe the results were real.

People improving their profits like crazy in just minutes?

Go watch and decide for yourself. Skeptical or not, it's pretty amazing.

And what's awesome is that it's not just a tease. You can get the same presentation that THOSE people in the video started with. It's "Step 1" down the road to seeing the same kind of results in your business.

Check out that short video and if you like it, you can sign up for this StomperNet Formula 5 Video Course about how to DOUBLE your business.

Until recently, it was only available to StomperNet's Elite members, but now everyone can take advantage of this insider's look.

Once again, the stuff StomperNet is sharing for free is better than most PAID Internet Marketing courses out there.

Take advantage!

P.S. I have a feeling this is going to mean big things for a lot of people reading this, just judging from the response the last time StomperNet let people peek into Formula 5.

If you missed it last time, now's your chance.

StomperNet Formula 5 Video Course

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Free Stompernet Video Course

I am... jaded.

When I see a sales letter that has a headline like "Instantly Discover How To Make $92,434 in 8 hours", my chest gets heavy - like the air around me has turned into poison.

I "read" this kind of unprovable insanity all of the time. You do too, right?

Today, I'm not so sure if I should be as jaded. Not anymore.

Take 2 minutes and 8 seconds - just 128 seconds of your day, today - right now.

Click here to watch this 2 minute and 8 second video, and if it doesn't either:

1 - Make your Jaw Drop, or

2 - Make you really suspicious...

...Then I don't know if you're SERIOUS about your online business.

If you want to know what the people in that video did to get those kinds of results, you can sign up for a Free 4 Part "Cash Booster" Video Series.

It used to be a "members only" presentation for StomperNet Elite members, but they've recently released it to the public for a short time.

That presentation is the EXACT same one that started it all for the people with those unbelievable results.

What more do I have to say? How about:

"Free video course from StomperNet, designed to Double Your Business."

But just take 2 Minutes to watch the video there first and decide for yourself.

P.S. Those results are NOT impossible, by the way. I only say that, because I know some of you are thinking it. They are REAL.

Free video course from StomperNet

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WebProsperity Pays Proof

Recently, I received a payment from Webprosperity but my mistake was, I did not scan it or at least took a picture of it to post to my blog and let you guys know that Webprosperity is paying.
So, now the least that I can do to proof that Webprosperity is not a scam is to login to my account and show you guys the payment made.

As you can see, I did not make a fat commission but thats not the point of me joining Webprosperity in the first place.
I just want to know, first hand, whether or not Webprosperity is legit or just another money making scam.
Well guys, I hope you appreciate my effort reviewing Webprosperity. So, if you are thinking of promoting a program that pays residually, you're always welcome to join me in Webprosperity.
Here's my link

Thank you.

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Another Spam Email From GorillaMillions

Title: Unlikely Person Taught Me to Make $5000+ Per Month...

Wednesday, 3 June, 2009 3:01 PM

My name -
Great day to you there!
It might be strange that you are receiving an email from me this way. But I just have (FINALLY) found a program that really works.
Reluctantly, it's seems to be from a boastful, knifed-tongue person (in short, mostly unlikely specially on the way he talks to his audience). But, when I saw the proof that he really made $20,000+ in just ONE Day, I was stunned and there was something within me that forced me to see how he'd able to do it.
I am very happy I did. After two months of using his system, I am now finally making money from home. Although I am not yet earning the kind of income that this man is earning, I am happy that at least, I am now making extra thousands per month from home.
It's my best investment on the internet - I was lucky to find it. Now, you don't need lady-luck to find one yourself.
=> It's here! <=
If you are not yet making the kind of income that you are dreaming of, try this one... decide fast before this page will be banned.

Regards,Amelie Swish

Block me from sending you updates, here.

Apparently, this GorillaMillions spammer is promoting a program as an affiliate.
The affiliate link was cloak using ViralUrl which I am also a member of and first signup
for GorillaMillions.

It made me wonder if there's actually a link between ViralUrl and GorillaMillions.

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How GorillaMillions Irritates Me

I am so irriated by the fact GorillaMillions still keeps on emailing me
even after I've cancelled my memberships with them and opted out
of Gorilla Millions mailing list.

I sometimes wonder why Steve Sigman from
keeps on spamming people and doesn't he have anything better to do?

I somehow suspects that Gorilla Millions had been signing me up for
programs that I actually did not signed up for and all of the programs
were safely reported as spam.

I hope that Gorilla Millions will be shut down for good as I could see
no future in doing such a scam. I felt bad for the honest people that
really thinks making money online is as simple as pushing a button
and in the end, they got scam.

A piece of advice to my readers, before joining any program on the
internet please make sure do your researh first and from my experience,
it's better to spend more time doing my own research than to pay for
a product that doesn't suit my level of understanding.

Lastlyl, I don't reccomend anyone to join GorillaMillions as I had been
scam by them and the way Gorilla Millions do business sucks.

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Subject: Easy Video Producer

Hi everyone,

My good friend Joel Therien just finished putting a
really cool site together that allows you to do two
really cool things!

1. No matter what your tech skills are, the ability
to record REALLY cool videos on the internet
from home.

Most people still don't know how to get video
on to any site. In fact this site is so simple it looks
like it is going to be BAD NEWS for YouTube!

2. You can then send those videos with one click
to anyone you know. Send birthday wishes,
anniversary greetings or I just miss you videos.

3. The ability to build a large money making list
from it!

I really suggest you check it out because at the moment
it is completely free to use. But it is only free during their
beta stage!
Just visit : Easy Video Producer

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Residual Income Opportunity

Are seeking for residual income opportunities? There are variations of opportunities that exist over the internet such as Google adsense, blogging, website hosting, online content distributing, forums, email list buliding, ebooks marketing, etc...

Alternatively, you might want consider some of the network marketing programs. These are also known as multilevel marketing or MLM. For me, I'll consider a pre-programmed affiliate website which can generate income for myself 24/7.The opportunities are abundance.

When you are considering any residual income opportunity, you have to look into few basic issues to make sure you are taking the right one.
You should find out:-
1. Who runs the company.
3. How long the company has been around?
4. If the product or service they provide has a demand in the market?
5. If they are incorporating the new developments in technology to advance their marketing system and further increase their business?

Never rush into business opportunities. Spent some time to find and study the right opportunities as there are many so called "top home businesses" that are really nothing but scams trying to make you sign up for a free trial which changes to a monthly membership before you now.

Are you wishing to be your own boss and have more quality time with your family? If your answer is a YES, then, it is vital that you get involved in a business with good residual income opportunity.

I highly reccomends as a good choice of a residual income opportunity.

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Residual Income With WebProsperity

How to earn residual income on the internet with WebProsperity
for free?

As you and I know, there's a lot of affiliate programs online that offers a high commissions but not all affiliate programs are willing to offer you residual income to promote them as a free affiliate.

Advanced affiliate marketers knows that the simplest way to get monthly paychecks is by promoting quality products that offers a residual income plan. The truth is, there are not many products like that.

For most of programs is like, "If you want residual income, you must be a paying member yourself..." Didn't they ever think of the people who can't afford to pay their membership's fee month after month but still want a piece of the pie? I think they should.

I still remember when I began my journey as an affiliate marketer... It took me almost two years before I started to get my first sales and it was the most surprising moment for me as I'm on the verge of giving up. You'd be shocked too if you were in my shoes...

I open my email one wonderful day and got messages from PayDotCom congratulating me for making sales which accumulated to a sum of $1600. Then, I got excited and went to check my ClickBank account as well and I made clickbank sales as well which accumulated to a sum of about $400 and you know what's the best part was? IT ALL HAPPENED IN ONE NIGHT!

My happiness soon fade away as I realize something was wrong... You see, the sales I made was from membership sites whereby I got paid once and that's it. On the other hand, the membership sites' owner are getting payments months after months from the people I referred to them. I ended up feeling stupid.

It'll take forever if I were to tell you my whole journey as an affiliate marketer but that's for another story...

Like the saying goes, "Wise Man Learns From Their Mistakes, Wiser Man Learns From Others."
If you're looking for a quality product that offers you to make a residual income for yourself, then I invite you to join me at


If you're thinking that by joining me in webprosperity, you're only going to me richer then you're absolutely right but the fact is, webprosperity don't allow anyone to join them directly. You will still need to join from a webprosperity members' link.

So, here I am inviting you to join me if not as a paying member, then as a free affiliate.

As a free webprosperity affiliate, you're eligible to get the maximum amount of $2500 per month.

Here's the link again


See you at the top!

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
Bookmark and Share Free PPC Advertising

Today, I'm going to share with you a free traffic generation system called

If you have heard about this service and you have not registered your free account, I suggest that you do it now at

LeadsLeap is an ingenious system that combines the power of contextual advertising and network lead generation.

In this system, you are allowed to post ads to 10 levels of network you have built.

Unlike traditional network lead generation methods, LeadsLeap only allows members to post their ads in the form of contextual ad.

This means your leads do not receive obtrusive ads from their uplines, which is a good thing because no one likes to receive junk ads.

Moreover, LeadsLeap sends very informative and useful newsletters to their members. I've saved some of the newsletters for future reference. I'm sure you will benefit from the newsletter too.

This is a free service. Register your account now at

Would you like to show your PPC ad to 1,398,100 prospects for f*ree?

Initially, I thought this is just another s*cam or another hoax. But after understanding how the system works, it all makes sense to me.

Check out this newly launched service and get in FAST before anyone else! You will regret if you don't.

I'm very excited about this new system. I've never seen anything like this before.

Imagine you have the power to advertise to 1,398,100 prospects for F*ree, and it is just a conservative estimate!

Initially, I thought this is just another s*cam or another hoax. But after understanding how the system works, it all makes sense to me.

Check out this newly launched service and get in FAST before anyone else! You will regret if you don't.

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WebProsperity Contact

WebProsperity Contact
Best newsletter and auto-responder for eMarketing.

WebProsperity Contact

Use WebProsperity Contact to maximize your business with the power of follow-up and broadcast emails. Capture new subscribers online and build a database of contacts, organized by interest, region or even status within your organization.

When somebody fills out the guestbook on your WebProsperity site, that prospect is instantly entered into your database. An email autoresponder will do the follow-up work for you, automatically sending information about WebProsperity and the business opportunity, converting prospects into members.

Send newsletters to your subscriber groups with promos, tips and training information, plus schedule emails to remind and invite contacts to upcoming WebProsperity Meetings. A variety of templates will be sure to grab their attention each and every time!

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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WebProsperity Meeting

WebProsperity Meeting
Intuitive web conferencing

WebProsperity Meeting

Some of history's greatest proceedings have been achieved by putting together the right people at the right time, in the right place. This once meant being in the same physical place, sometimes at great expense, but would lead to the best results when ideas can truly be shared on an open playing field. Recently, the telephone and Internet have allowed us to share information in a timely and cost effective manner, but there has never been a true solution that realizes the advantages of face-to-face real-time communication, and sharing of resources... until now!

Use WebProsperity Meeting to start a web-based audio or video conference with your business partners, team, friends or family. It's the best way to recruit new members, train and educate your downline, or simply keep in touch with your loved ones.

Never before has it been so easy for people worldwide to connect, collaborate and share - not just video and voice, but all the resources to make the meeting a success, such as file sharing, a virtual whiteboard, images and even flash presentations to captivate attendees!

WebProsperity Meeting includes an easy to manage contact list, so notifying members of upcoming meetings takes only a few simple clicks, and each attendee will be automatically assigned the appropriate roles when they connect.

Imagine how easy managing your business will be once you can meet up instantly, discus all the issues, make timely decisions, move on and expand effectively.

Join WebProsperity today and start communicating effectively!

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WebProsperity Review

Here's my Review of WebProsperity

Okay so what's WebProsperity all about?

The first site of it's type for Internet Marketers that gives you 6 tools for one low monthly price.

Plus you can earn huge income just by promoting the site, like me ;-)

WebProsperity Products
* Meeting
* Contact
* Media
* Finder
* Address Book
* Calendar

WebProsperity Meeting
* Reach 100s of internet entrepreneurs anytime, anywhere, by phone or web conference!
* Meet face-to-face with customers and prospects to build relationships and credibility.
* Hold high-powered training sessions with interactive screen sharing and whiteboarding.

WebProsperity Media
* Add sizzle to your website with live chat, streaming audio/video and Podcasts!
* Create, store and share your photo galleries with vistors and your downline.
* Manage and publish your documents and media across multiple online channels.

WebProsperity Finder
* Use this intuitive, Flash-based tool to visually browse through your downline!
* Manage all your contact data - from enroller activity, to history, rank, and more.
* Review your team's structure and instantly identify areas that need more effort.

WebProsperity Address Book
* Store all your contacts In one place so you're just a click away from your WebProsperity opportunity list!
* Add contacts' addresses, emails, phone numbers, IM nicknames, even notes!
* Import, export and update contact information to continually build your downline.

WebProsperity Calendar
* Schedule and track all your tasks, appointments, member meetings, and events.
* Stay on top of your day with automated reminders, so no surprises!
* Take advantage of new contacts and opportunities with at-a-glance scheduling.

So visit WebProsperity and find out if this is for you, but do it before January 13th to get in on the founders special.

I hope you enjoy the simple WebProsperity Review

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income
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WebProsperity Compensation Plan

WebProsperity Compensation Plan

WebProsperity Compensation Plan

WebProsperity combines products that every savvy business owner craves, with a state-of-the-art compensation plan that rewards you whether you are a new or experienced marketer.

Let's face it. The first key to a solid business begins with solid in-demand products. WebProsperity's trio of products - Builder, Conference and Media, can help any entrepreneur market their business more effectively. And that means increased bottom-line profits.

Couple that with the fact that WebProsperity's products will save them up to 70% or more over comparable products, and you can see that once people use WebProsperity's products... they remain customers. That creates money in your pocket, month after month.

WebProsperity's solid compensation plan rewards you in multiple ways simply for referring people to us. Now you can be instantly rewarded, build a long term residual income, and earn business building and leadership incentives.

As an Associate Member, you'll earn 33.3% in direct residual commissions. That's $10 monthly for every Associate you refer!

You'll be automatically qualified for commissions in WebProsperity's 15-level matrix. This Matrix alone pays over $30,000 monthly when filled. Add automatic compression to that and you can see how WebProsperity's Matrix maximizes your earnings.

Your leadership skills are rewarded at WebProsperity with a lucrative 2-Generation compensation plan that pays unlimited levels deep outside the matrix levels. There is no limit to your earnings from this income stream alone!

WebProsperity eliminates the "revolving door syndrome" by providing a state-of-the art compensation plan, backed by products that keep customers "on the books" for years to come.

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Build. Generate. Celebrate!

Listen to David Darcangelo tell the amazing WebProsperity story

Are you ready to...

Make more cash from commissions and bonuses!

Earn immediate income and residual cash flow!

Grow your business faster than you ever thought possible!

Market WebProsperity − the most powerful and profitable product suite ever!

Are You ready to...

Earn more!

3 Ways to Earn!

What you can EARN!

And here’s HOW!

The Platinum Leadership Development Bonus!

So if you’re READY…

Earn more!

With the new WebProsperity Freedom Compensation Plan, there are 3 ways you can earn:

Pacesetter Bonus

Momentum Matrix Royalty

Platinum Leadership Development Bonus

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3 Ways to Earn!

What you can EARN!

And here’s HOW!

The Platinum Leadership Development Bonus!

So if you’re READY…

3 Ways to Earn!

Pacesetter Bonus − Earn immediate income with 20% recurring bonus!

Momentum Matrix Royalty – Earn rewards for team building with new 2 x 15 matrix!

Platinum Leadership Development Bonus – Enroll Platinum Leaders and earn based on their teams!

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Earn more!

3 Ways to Earn!

What you can EARN!

And here’s HOW!

The Platinum Leadership Development Bonus!

So if you’re READY…

What you can EARN!

Pacesetter Bonus – Earn $6 per Premium Builder and $12 per Elite Builder Packages − every month!

EXTRA! Refer 5 Members for Elite Builder Package and yours is FREE!

Momentum Matrix Royalty – Includes Compression, PowerBand Commissions @ 10th and 15th levels, Reentry Opportunities!

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3 Ways to Earn!

What you can EARN!

And here’s HOW!

The Platinum Leadership Development Bonus!

So if you’re READY…

And here’s HOW!

Premium Builder Members/Subscribers are eligible for Pacesetter Bonus and Momentum Matrix Royalty − and up to 10,000 USD per month!

Upgrade to Elite Builder Package and earn even more!

Elite Builder Package Members/Subscribers are eligible to earn all 3 ­bonuses and have unlimited earnings potential!

Are You ready to...

Earn more!

3 Ways to Earn!

What you can EARN!

And here’s HOW!

The Platinum Leadership Development Bonus!

So if you’re READY…


The Platinum Leadership Development Bonus!

Attention Platinum Team Members with Elite Builder Packages! Enroll Platinum Leaders and earn on their entire WebProsperity Platinum Team!

Calculated on % basis from 10 USD at 3 levels: you earn…

First level @ 20%!

Second level @ 15%

Third level @ 10%

Are You ready to...

Earn more!

3 Ways to Earn!

What you can EARN!

And here’s HOW!

The Platinum Leadership Development Bonus!

So if you’re READY…

So if you’re READY…

Let’s make this the biggest and best launch ever!

Are You ready to...

Earn more!

3 Ways to Earn!

What you can EARN!

And here’s HOW!

The Platinum Leadership Development Bonus!

So if you’re READY…


Reach 100s of internet entrepreneurs anytime, anywhere, by phone or web conference!

Meet face-to-face with customers and prospects to build relationships and credibility.

Hold high-powered training sessions with interactive screen sharing and whiteboarding.


Bypass spam filters and reach new audiences with email broadcasts and marketing campaigns!

Power delivery of your newsletters, articles, and success stories, then follow up automatically!

Monitor your WebProsperity progress with click-through, sales, and revenue tracking.


Add sizzle to your website with live chat, streaming audio/video and Podcasts!

Create, store and share your photo galleries with vistors and your downline.

Manage and publish your documents and media across multiple online channels.


Use this intuitive, Flash-based tool to visually browse through your downline!

Manage all your contact data − from enroller activity, to history, rank, and more.

Review your team's structure and instantly identify areas that need more effort.

Address Book

Store all your contacts In one place so you're just a click away from your WebProsperity opportunity list!

Add contacts' addresses, emails, phone numbers, IM nicknames, even notes!

Import, export and update contact information to continually build your downline.


Schedule and track all your tasks, appointments, member meetings, and events.

Stay on top of your day with automated reminders, so no surprises!

Take advantage of new contacts and opportunities with at-a-glance scheduling.


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