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Offline/Online Marketing Basic Steps

First you need to know is the five basic marketing steps which is

1. Introduction
Smile > Enthusiasm > Eye-to-eye contact

2. Short Story
KISS Principle

3. Presentation
Put the product in their hands

4. Close
A) Qualifying questions
B) Multiples

5. Rehash
Double Your Cash

Here I will roughly elaborate the First Five Basic Steps and
How you can put them to use.

1. Introduction
Smile [an expression on your face in which the corners of your mouth turn up, showing happiness, pleasure, etc]
Enthusiasm [a strong feeling of excitement or interest in something and a desire to become involve in it]
Eye-to-eye contact [looking directly at another person eyes with a meaning]

Be it if you're the product owner or if you are a promoter, you will need to do these.
Introductions is importatnt to "Break The Ice".
All you need to do is SEE [Smile,Enthusiasm,Eye-to-eye contact]

When introducing yourself or a product, show your happiness and pleasure to the person you're talking to.
Show them that you are happy to meet them and it's pleasuring to share the product with them.

Be excited to introduce yourself and the product to others, you have to show your interest in them and show
them that you are involve in the product by using the product yourself.
(eg, if you are selling watches, put a similiar watch on ; if you are selling a Toyota, drive a Toyota)

If you're selling product offline, look at your customers in the eye when you are talking to them.
This will create somekind of bond and trust and thus make it easier for the product to be sold.

If you are selling a product online, you can't make an eye-to-eye contact with your customers right?
What can you do is make a video review, to create a bond and trust between you and your customers by
- Give them tips
- Free Gifts
- Good Informations
- Interact with them using forums, blogs, social networks, etc...
- Give them your email where you can provide support

2. Short Story
KISS Principle
[Keep It Short and Sharp, Keep It Short and Sweet, Keep It Sweet and Sharp, Keep It Simple And Sharp, etc]

Keep your introduction short, sharp, simple and sweet.
Don't "Beat around the bush" too much.

3. Presentation
Put the product in their hands

Tell your customers, what's good about the product and where it's originally from and why it is wise to purchase the product from you.
Hand them the product and let them feel it. This will create a sense of belonging for them.

Tips* Pitch the product for twice it's price and tell your customer that if they get it today, they will get 1 for FREE.

Create a good landing page where you briefly explains about the product and at the same time -
Tell them why it is wise to purchase from you.
Give them a free trial or a $1 trial. Give them a sneak preview.

4. Close
A) Qualifying questions
B) Multiples

When doing a closing, NEVER ask a customer a question like this...
"So, are you interested?" or "Do you want to buy?"
In other words, be confident.
Treat it as if they already said YES to make a purchase.

Instead ask them, "Will two be enough?"

This way, you help them decide to buy your products.

When you ask them the closing question, "Will two be enough?"
You are actually multiplying your profits but if they said, "I'll just take one."
You don't wait another second, just sell it to them first.

5. Rehash
Double Your Cash

After you've sell them the product, express your gratitude and at the same time,
give them an idea about how this product will make a great gift for someone they know.

Second is the eight steps
[This Steps Is More of a Disiplinary Actions for Yourself]

1. Have a Great Attitude
Attitude and Enthusiasm move merchandise

2. Be on Time
If you're not Early, you're Late !

3. Be Prepared
Do what it takes to reach your goals.

4. Work a Full Day
Know the area the night before
Plan Ahead

5. Work your Area Correctly
Smoother your area. Talk to EVERYONE...
It's a Numbers Game

6. Maintain your Attitude
Each NO brings you closer to a YES...
LAW OF AVERAGES... See the people

7. Know why you are Here and What are you Doing
Moving the product is important but using the product to learn
about the business is even more important.

8. Take Control
Take control of your customers, Situations and consequently...
your FUTURE!

Third is the IMPULSE

People are Greedy. Take advantage.

2. Fear of Loss
People are afraid of losing out on a good deal.

3. Indifference
Take it or Leave it.
You Snooze, You Lose !

4. Create a sense of Urgency
Time is money, Money is Time.
Be in a Hurry.

5. Jones Theory

Now, you've known the Basics. This knowledge is your Sword.
Yes, your Sword may be blunt now but think of it this way...
Well, at least you now got a Sword! It's your job to sharpen it.

You can apply this basic knowledge offline and online.
All you need to do is Understand the Basics.

I have written this article in

internet marketing,work from home,business opportunity,make money online,wholesale,affiliate marketing,home based business,passive income,residual income,recurring income