Passive Income |Residual Income |Recurring Income
Passive Income
An income stream falling into this category is one where money is received usually on a regular basis, without continuing effort. This does not mean no effort at all; most Passive Income streams require great effort to start with.
Examples of Passive Income:
Income from rental property
Royalties from writing a book.
Earnings from Network Marketing
Earnings from internet advertisement on your websites.
An income stream falling into this category is one where money is received usually on a regular basis, without continuing effort. This does not mean no effort at all; most Passive Income streams require great effort to start with.
Examples of Passive Income:
Income from rental property
Royalties from writing a book.
Earnings from Network Marketing
Earnings from internet advertisement on your websites.
Residual Income
The excess of controllable operating income over a "minimum" amount of desired controllable operating income.
Your income minus expenses such as monthly payments, proposed housing expenses and taxes.
Residual Income (also called Passive Income or Recurring Income) is income earned on an ongoing basis for effort done once in the past.
Recurring Income
A recurring income stream is the process of making sales, and receiving repeat commisions month after month from those same sales. It's a smart way to go because, after all, the goal of Internet Marketing is to Make Money, and lots of it!
Recurring Income is also known as Passive Income and Residual Income.
The excess of controllable operating income over a "minimum" amount of desired controllable operating income.
Your income minus expenses such as monthly payments, proposed housing expenses and taxes.
Residual Income (also called Passive Income or Recurring Income) is income earned on an ongoing basis for effort done once in the past.
Recurring Income
A recurring income stream is the process of making sales, and receiving repeat commisions month after month from those same sales. It's a smart way to go because, after all, the goal of Internet Marketing is to Make Money, and lots of it!
Recurring Income is also known as Passive Income and Residual Income.